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K-ON! Wiki
"MC Grand Prix"
MC Guran Puri
Season 2
Episode 5
Japanese air date November 17, 2010
Previous Childhood Dreams
Next 3-Minute Cooking

MC Grand Prix (MCグランプリ MC Guran Puri), is an Ura-On!! special 4 minutes and 6 seconds long. In it, the girls have a contest to see who is the best MC.


Number 1: Idea


Azusa the MC.

Ritsu decides that for their next live performance, they should have a MC to entertain the guests. The club then begins a contest to find the best MC, with the girl who gets the most laughs from the audience being selected. Up first, Azusa tries and fails at a comedy act.

Number 2: After That?


Tsumugi the MC.

The second girl up is Tsumugi, who brings her teacup to the stage. Instead of being funny and entertaining, Tsumugi unexpectedly turns into a cruel MC who tells the guests that they are not welcome while spitting her tea out, surprising everyone without causing any laughs.

Number 3: All Out


Mio the MC.

Next is Mio. She drops her skirt and reveals a tight pink dress before dancing and spelling out Light Music Club with her hands. Though she tries hard, she fails to impress the judges.

Number 4: The Hero that Arrives Late


Yui the MC.

Next is Yui. She first introduces herself to the audience and describes her preconceptions on the word 'MC'. While explaining, the crowd finds her anecdote to be funny and entertaining. Yui is revealed to be the winner of the MC Grand Prix!
