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Shuffle Volume 2, Chapter 11
Shuffle V2 C11
Volume K-ON! Shuffle Volume 2
Publish Date October 9th, 2021
Previous Chapter Shuffle Volume 2, Chapter 10
Next Chapter Shuffle Volume 2, Chapter 12

Shuffle Volume 2, Chapter 11 is a chapter of the second Volume of the K-ON! Shuffle Manga by Kakifly.


A month has passed since Risa and Ranka have joined. Everyday Ranka gets lessons from Maho, while Yukari points out Risa has now been absent from the society for 2 weeks, leaving Maho to question what is wrong with her.

Maho mentions she thought there might had been a tiny bit of hope for her, but she really is the way she looks. Ranka wonders what she means by that and Maho replies that her outside appearance shows her true nature. She then asks Yukari if she is keeping in contact with Risa, for Yukari to reveal she talked to her for 2 hours yesterday. Maho hearing this yells at Yukari to tell Risa to come to the society. Yukari rebuttals that it is only an appreciation society and she doesn't have to come everyday. She carries on and says she might have something in mind. Maho argues back about what she could possibly have in mind with that scattered brain face of her. Ranka with a mean look calls out Maho, making Yukari and Maho to skip a beat. But it turns out she just lost a contact lens and needs help finding it with the mean look only because she's near sighted.

After Yukari finds it, Ranka reveals she hasn't worn them for long with Risa being responsible for the contacts and fashions. Kaede adds in that she feels people have also looked at her differently since Risa did it, but only because her hair is a mess. While Ranka fixes it she tells them how until her 3rd year of middle school she didn't stand out and was just a girl with glasses and bobbed hair. Yukari and Maho imagine what it looks like normally, but Kaede imagines her like a kappa.

Ranka continues and tells them about how in the final year of middle school for the school festival she got a leading role. She originally was going to turn it down, but Risa came to her and told her she'd be wasting her potential and should do it. So Risa did everything for her like the makeup and even the stage costume. She was able to perform very well thanks to Risa, but while she looked different on the outside she was still the same on the inside. However, she when she saw Yukari, Kaede and Maho perform, she thought "They look so cool, I want to be like them". She carries on how that why she wants to do her best in the society, before apologising for talking so much. This moves Yukari and Maho with Yukari calling her a good girl and Risa apologising for bad mouthing Risa.

After school, Maho realizes she's got a lot to think about and will try to be more broad-minded. However, she still doesn't excuse Risa for missing club activities. At that moment, Kaede then notices Risa and after being spotted tries to run away. Yukari catches her and Maho questions if she was doing something shady. Kaede then notices Risa had come out of a building for vocal training, with Risa then sad she was trying to make sure nobody found out.

At Kabazeriya, Risa mentions that with Ranka trying her best to learn guitar, she didn't want to be left behind. Yukari tells her she should have just come forward, but Risa adds that when others see you doing stuff like that, it doesn't look cool. Maho hearing this offers to pay for any dessert she wants. Risa questions why is that, thinking it's creepy and Yukari briefly explains that Maho has somethings to think about. After buying something really expensive, Risa is told about what Ranka had said. Risa becomes jealous as it took Ranka ages to speak to her normally. she adds on that Ranka probably loves then. Yukari questions if that's so and Risa continues saying that she loves them all very much as well, but Maho questions why she can't accept that at face value.

Risa explains she reason she became friends with Ranka was because in their first year of Middle School Ranka had transferred from the Kansai region and had a Kansai dialect. Ranka comes in and over hears this. She becomes embarrassed and accidentally in a Kansai dialect tells her she wasn't suppose to tell anyone that, revealing she speaks in that dialect when alone to Risa. They leave Kabazeriya with Maho telling Risa to come to the society every so often. Yukari is amazed that Risa and Ranka are working so hard. Maho adds that she needs to work just as hard and needs Shinano to teach her more stuff. They both only then realize none of the seniors have come to the society in a month.


  • Risa's secret training and talk after being found out is similar to Jun in High School, Chapter 5 when it's found her she gets secret bass practice from her brother and how she thinks it seems out of character for her to work