K-ON! Wiki
Shuffle Volume 2, Chapter 12
Shuffle V2 C12
Volume K-ON! Shuffle Volume 2
Publish Date November 9th, 2021
Previous Chapter Shuffle Volume 2, Chapter 11
Next Chapter Shuffle Volume 2, Chapter 13

Shuffle Volume 2, Chapter 12 is a chapter of the second Volume of the K-ON! Shuffle Manga by Kakifly.


Maho on her way to school finds Yukari and Kaede. Both are in their summer uniform with them expressing how it's been hot lately and finally can change into them. Maho mentions if that's the reason for Kaede having her usual/ponytail look with Kaede sadly revealing it's because she can't do it by herself yet.

Maho and Yukari are puzzled that both of them forgot about the seniors and that neither of them have been in touch lately. As they talk about this Yukari notices Kano, who immediately runs away from them with Yukari realizing she's been in the same situation with Risa. This time however, Kano is successful in getting away.

At the Society, Maho feels defeated as they lost Kano and didn't find her at her class room. Ranka wonders why they ran away. Risa then questions if they're no good if they don't come to the society, with Maho rebuttals that she is not one to talk. Who is then hit on the head by Karin saying the same thing. Karin mentions how Maho hasn't shown up to the Basketball club. While Maho restrains her and explains she's been busy with the society, Karin reveals the basketball club may get shut down. She further explains how last year the third years quietly left and nobody new has joined. She also goes on to mention that the school has had a demand for a new club to be started, but cannot afford any more clubs. So if they lose the qualifying match for the district tournament, the club will be shut down. Maho feels relieved that they just need to win a match, but Karin with a confident look adds on that while Maho is a great player, she herself sucks.

While Maho says she won't let their club be shut down for this new club, Shinano, Riko and Kano enter exclaiming good news about them possibly finally getting the Society to become club with a budget. Maho and Karin realize which new club is being talked about. Shinano not recognizing Kaede greets her thinking this year there was 3 new members. Riko explains them negotiating with the school administration for a club was the reason they was absent and they wanted to keep it a secret. Yukari realizes that's why Kano was running away with Kano adding on how she couldn't let her self be captured, or she could reveal it.

The situation is fully explained. Yukari expresses that she wouldn't mind staying an appreciation society if that is the case, which makes Karin happy. Risa asks Riko if they did get a budget what they could get. Riko mentions if they got everything together they could have a training camp. Yukari realizes that means she could replace the old cymbals, with Karin notices Yukari was quick to change her mind. Maho apologies to them and explains the basketball club is really important to her. Shinano understands with Yukari tearily saying they'll be fine. Yukari also asks Maho if she'll be fine with the qualifying match. Maho with full confidence says they only have to win one match and have nothing to worry about!

Maho's team/Hikarigaoka Girls is currently losing 56-42 and only have 9 minutes and 32 seconds left on the clock. Yukari and Kaede still continue to cheer Maho on, but Risa mentions how this is boring and goes to the wash room. Maho is seen tired and conflicted, overthinking that she needs to calm down and play like she usually does to win. However if they lose then the club will close , but then the society will become a club. She stops from the referee calling on a substitution. The sub is revealed to be Risa, who is coming in as Karin's body double. She reveals her and Karin talked and she ended up decided to help. Maho is conflicted as she is amazed at Risa's communication skills again, but questions if Karin has any pride and then questions if Risa can even play basketball. She replies just a little, but it's better than the way they are now. Risa starts scoring and during game asks Maho if she lost focus because of the society. Risa goes on about it not being an issue if they society becomes a club or not, they've become good friends in a month it doesn't matter what the place is called. Maho's team/Hikarigaoka Girls end up winning 64-67. Yukari and Kaede hug in celebration with Karin joining in. Ranka mentions that Risa is good at sports and how she didn't join any clubs in middle school, but was a helper for a lot of them.

At the locker room, Maho still in shock they won is given a towel by Ranka. Maho shyly turning away says she isn't going to thank her and how she could have won by herself. Risa also turns away, saying how she only did it because she felt like playing a some basket ball after so long. They both fist bump.

Back at the society, Yukari is happy the basketball club didn't shut down, but is still sad they won't become a club. Maho replies asking if that meant they should have lost after all, but Yukari tells her she wouldn't have cheered as much if that was true. Riko quickly rushes in telling them she has great news. the magic club was closed due to lack of members, meaning the society can finally become a club. The Light Music Appreciation Society was promoted to the Light Music Club without (?!) incident...


  • This chapter is the first to mention the school's name being Hikarigaoka on the scoreboard and the basketball team jerseys
  • This chapter is the first to give us a look at the Hikarigaoka High School Summer uniform
  • This is set at the beginning of June based on the summer uniform change in Japan usually happening around this time.

