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K-ON! Wiki
For the version of this song with vocals, see Yuuzora à la carte.
Yuuzora à la carte (Instrumental)
K-ON!! Character Image Songs Ritsu
English Name Evening Sky à la carte
Album K-ON!! Character Image Songs: Ritsu Tainaka
Performed By Ritsu Tainaka
Release November 17, 2010
Genre J-Pop, Anime Song
Label Pony Canyon
Previous Drumming Shining My Life (Instrumental)
Next Come with Me!! (Instrumental)

Yuuzora à la carte (Instrumental) is the instrumental version of Ritsu Tainaka's song "Yuuzora à la carte", produced by Pony Canyon and published on 17 November 2010 within Ritsu's Character Image Songs album.

The song was written by Shouko Ohmori and composed and arranged by Shigeo Komori.
